This runway, at Cao Lanh in the upper reaches of the
Delta and beside Song (River) Tien Giang, was better than most we operated
from. This one actually had some form of paving and was over 1000' long.
There is even a real wind sock on the left side! If you look
carefully you will see that the very trusting Army folks put their
tents right off the end of the runway. |
This picture, taken out my left side window as we departed
the airfield, shows another C-7 just landing. The field was
called Plateau Gi and was one of my favorites because the surrounding terrain
reminded me a lot of my native New England. Visible above the runway
at the right is the Montagnard Special Forces camp we were supporting.
Triangular in shape and accessible only by one safe path, it was
completely surrounded by a lovely green field heavily sown with mines. |
Off loading
at Gia Nghia after the first sortie of the day. Gia Nghia was the site
of an Army Special Forces camp that needed the fuel we brought in the
red drums. The airport was unique - they had knocked the top off a
small mountain to provide a generous (for a Caribou) 2000' foot dirt
strip. The red soil visible in the foreground was typical of Central
Vietnam and was called "laterite" because of its tendency to harden
(laterize) into a rock-like surface once defoliated and exposed. When
the Caribou's engines were reversed during landing at fields like this,
the airplane would disappear into a large red
cloud of dust. |
Well off the southwestern coast of Vietnam. A large
POW camp was maintained there by the U.S. Navy. We made regular trips to
An Thoi while TDY at Can Tho. It was a very a pleasant
trip because we could go for a quick swim and get a Navy meal in the bar.
Thoi is on the island of Dao Phu Quoc in the Gulf of Thailand. |
Given the availability of an Army 6 by, this was the
standard method of loading and unloading a Caribou. Unfortunately, we rarely
had the use of the truck in the boonies. This photo was taken at Ham Tan. |
This photo was
taken at Dalat Cam Ly in the Central Highlands |
The prop hub of the mighty Pratt & Whitney R-2000
7M2. |
The mighty Pratt & Whitney R2000 7M2. This particular
one was sick enough that I had to throttle it back to idle and fly a single
engine approach. Picture taken on the ramp at Bien Hoa. |
This picture, taken on the ramp at Cam Ranh Bay, shows
the flaps at full extension. One can clearly see that the entire trailing
edge of the wing is part of the flap system. One can also understand why
one had to point the nose at the ground to get the thing down with the
flaps fully extended. |
The augmentor tubes on the top of the Caribou engine
nacelle. These large tubes served to collect the 14 individual exhaust
stacks and direct the exhaust gas out over the rear edge of the wing.
Since they were open at the front where the stacks entered, a venturi
effect resulted which drew in outside air to mix with the exhaust gas.
This served not only to help cool the very hot exhaust, but also actually
added a little extra thrust. |
This is the Petester fueling his own airplane.
Actually, it was a major nuisance and the crew members each took turns.
The fuel tanks were filled with an open cell foam material to make them
less likely to explode if penetrated by a projectile, so the fuel would
not run in at the rate the fuel truck would pump. The fueller had
to constantly stop the flow to allow the gas to seep out through the foam.
Since it took quite a while and the
top surface of
that wing was very hot, this was not the most desirable of jobs. |
Long range flying wasn't exactly uppermost in the minds
of the Caribou's designers. When long overwater flights were
necessary, additional fuel and oil was carried in the cargo compartment.
The rubber fuel bladders were filled with avgas and then pressurized with
the deicing pumps. As fuel was burned from the wing tanks, more could
be added by operating the valves shown at the right. This particular
picture was taken somewhere along the route from Cam Ranh Bay to Kadena
AFB in Okinawa (by way of Clark AB in the Philippines). |
This view of the cockpit was taken looking up from the
cargo compartment floor. The photo isn't too great, because
the lighting was tough, but gets the idea across. Clearly visible
in a row across the overhead console are, left to right, the throttles,
prop levers, and mixture levers. The Coke can was not standard issue
equipment. |
The Caribou center panel. The two large gauges at the
top center are the manifold pressure and engine RPM, respectively. With
a setting of 26 inches and 1900 RPM, we must have been in hurry to get
somewhere. The picture of the pilot's panel, taken at the same time shows
these settings producing an airspeed just under 120 knots. Normal cruise
settings were 20 inches and 2000 RPM, producing about 105 knots |
Viewed from under the wing of my Caribou, a C-130 takes
off from An Thoi. For the big C-130, An Thoi was a bit of a short
field, while for the Caribou it was a generous runway. |