<<< KH -738 (cn # 184) date
and location unknown. (AOCA Archives)
>>> In 1969 the 459th TAS had a Santa Bou (aircraft #
unknown) at Da Nang. That's Tom Finkler stands next to the aircraft. (Tom
Finkler) |
<<< Another view of the 1969 Santa Bou at Da
Nang. (Tom Finkler)
>>> Santa Bou delivers it goodies - date & location
unknown. (Tom Koza) |
<<< Here's another photo of the Reindeer C-7. The photo was
taken a Phu-cat in 1970 by Ssgt Wayne Morgan.
KH-738 (c/n # 184) of the 535th in the Santa Bou layout (date & location
unknown). (Patrick Martin) |
<<< "Santa "Bou"
KH738 (c/n # 184) 535 TAS at Vung Tau, Christmas 1969. Became VNAF "GK".
(Douglas Lamerson)
>>> 62-4168
(c/n # 106) "Santa Bou" (536th TAS) Vung Tau, Christmas 1969 (Ralph Raney
via Doug Lamerson) |