135th Aviation Company

Unit History


<<<  62-4150 (c/n # 86) does a LOLEX at Lawson Army Airfield, Fort Benning, GA in 1965. (Jim Davis)

Vietnam History


The 135th Aviation Company was the last aviation company to transfer to Vietnam. They departed Ft. Benning, GA on 1-3-66 for Qui Nhon, RVN via the Pacific Route with 18 aircraft. At the Hamilton AFB in California  they picked up 3 more aircraft from the 57th Aviation Company. They arrived in Qui Nhon, Vietnam on 1-23-66.  (Thanks to Mike Overcash for all these photos)

>>> 135th Aviation Company aircraft parked at Hamilton AFB, CA

<<< 62-12584 (cn # 144) on the ramp at Hamilton AFB, CA

>>> 62-12584 (cn # 144) on the ramp at Midway Island

<<< Aircraft parked at the stop over on Midway Island >>>

<<< 62-12584 (cn # 144) "Hoppin Jon" on the ramp at Midway Island

>>> Vung Tau looking out the rear cargo door.



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